What I’m Watching: Traveling Couples

While we’re in lock-down I thought I’d share what I’ve been doing. Since we can’t travel ourselves and not quite up to the task of re-watching Anthony Bourdain stuff, I’m living vicariously through Youtube videos. By the way, “Someone Feed Phil” on Netflix is pretty good as well.

Basically if a channel has gone to Wales, London and/or South Korea, I probably watched it preparing for our own trips. If they talk about food a lot, I kept watching more of their videos. Below are a few of channels that I’ve been digging through the older stuff of.

Miss Mina and Mommy Oh


Korean American from the Pacific Northwest travels around with her Korean mother. This is mostly focused on Korea, Japan and other Asian touristy stuff, but there is also quite a bit of US content as well. Currently I think she is going through a backlog of footage to create videos due to the whole no traveling thing.

Samuel and Audrey


This Canadian couple was really helpful during our European trip as they did a video for Frankfurt, which is not usually a prime tourist location. Their London and Montreal “Things to do” videos have also been re-watched many times. Bonus is that Sam taught ESL in Korea for quite a while so their guides for Seoul are also great from the “Western Tourist” perspective.

The Endless Adventure


These two are obviously trying hard to game the Youtube search algorithms, but they’re goofy and awkward enough that it’s endearing and I’ll let it pass. Currently they’re renovating an RV and it seems like it will take quite a while, maybe for the sake of the content beast.

Dean Allen

Dean Allen has passed, and there are a few remembrances of him out already.

Jon Gruber

Om Malik

Jason Kottke

My contact with Dean was limited to the early days of Textpattern, which this site used to be built on. I LOVED Textpattern, but it just developed too slowly and I had to move on to other CMSs. In fact, the latest blog post on textpattern.com is about how they finally have theme support, in 2018! Anyways, because of my love of Textpattern I jumped on the chance to become one of the initial investors of Textdrive, which went on to become Joyent. That lead me to learn about FreeBSD and Solaris and OpenIndiana and gave me another pillar to build my career on.
